Saturday, 10 May 2014

Time to green up the lawn

My lawns have been looking a bit sad over the last year and this winters weather has not helped it all looks a bit yellow now.

I am using this product Westland Aftercut all in one so not only will i get a nice lush green lawn it will also get rid of all the weeds and moss as well. Which is good as there are lots in my lawn Aftercut contains all essential plant nutrients That help feed your lawn.I applied Aftercut to the lawn just before rain was forecast so that i did not have to bother watering it in it was easy to apply with the use of the Even-Flo spreader that is supplied with it. This also prevents any ending up on the borders where you don't want it all you need to do is keep pets and children off until it has been washed into the soil. It has been a week now since i applied it and the lawn is already lovely and green the weeds have turned yellow and are slowly dieing. I would defiantly recommend this product to anyone who is in need of treating there lawn the only down side i would say is that it has strange smell which hangs around for a couple of days. But otherwise a great product and well worth using.

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