Saturday, 17 May 2014

The Big Allotment Challenge Review

The Big Allotment Challenge has come to an end Alex and Ed have been crowned champion of the allotment for 2014 but what did we think of it. It was hoped that The Big Allotment Challenge would do to gardening what The Great British Rake Off has done for cookery i feel we will see in the coming months if this is the case. In it's first episode the program averaged 2.5 million viewers which was 11.9% of all viewers watching between 8-9pm that night. Which is really good viewing for a gardening program the program was a cross between gardening and a cookery show that showed the produce from seed to plate. There was a mixed bunch of contestants from seasoned allotmenters to first timers but they where all as passionate as each other. 
I felt that it was a good all round program but it could have done with a bit more growing and showing off there allotments. Not just a best in show for the produce but best allotment as they looked like they where well maintained and a credit to ll the contestants. On to the cooking section there is only so many Jams and Pickles that you can make it would have been nice to have seen a bit of proper vegetable cooking. But it did attract the attention of the younger viewer and hopefully will get some of them into growing. My youngest was an avid viewer and got very cross if she missed an episode so hears looking forward to next years competition lets hope it gets better as the years go on.

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